When most people think of food, they think about the effects it has on their physical body. However, the more research we do about the foods we eat, the more we learn that they can also affect us mentally as well. This is actually good news for those who are following the GAPS Diet. What Is the GAPS … [Read more...]
Healing Patiently, E-Book Review
Healing Patiently: Healing Your Gut Without Losing Your Mind is a new e-book out in the health world written by Chloe Breczinski, a health blogger at How We Flourish. The focus of her book is working your way successfully through the GAPS diet, a diet my oldest daughter was on a few years ago. … [Read more...]
When You Have Lost Your Cooking Equilibrium
Have you lost your cooking equilibrium because of significant change that you have had to make to the diet you cook and eat? Do you flounder around wondering what to cook and what not to cook? I have been there and still kind of am there because of some dietary changes we have made in the last years in our … [Read more...]
Time Management for Special Diets
Let's face it, eating a special diet, whether it is GAPS, AIP, LCHF, or something else means mostly cooking from scratch and it can take a lot of time. In my house I have several diets to navigate. My husband is low carb/high fat to deal with his prediabetes, my oldest dd is gluten free and dairy free, and my … [Read more...]
So Why is Gut Health So Important?
I am seeing more and more posts these days about gut health and the need for probiotic foods and drinks. It seems to me the topic is becoming more mainstream although I admit I follow many health bloggers so what is mainstream to me might not be to you. But why is this topic gaining in popularity daily? … [Read more...]
Grain Free Snacks from WB Kitchen – Review
A few weeks ago I received a lovely box of snack cookies and bars from Chris Feuille of WB Kitchen in Colorado. He and his wife make some rather amazing grain free snacks after their own experiences of being grain free, including some time on the GAPS diet. (See Chris' story here which he kindly shared with … [Read more...]