This is a companion post to my earlier post on Who Should Consider the GAPS Diet? In the health portion of the blogosphere the GAPS diet is discussed frequently. Obviously not everyone needs to be on the GAPS healing diet? (If you are not sure what the GAPS diet is you can read more at my GAPS page … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Story – Liana
This story is near and dear to my heart because it is our family's story and more specifically that of my lovely 16 year old daughter. After a year on GAPS and 2 years gluten free, she is thriving and healthy. ( For more on the GAPS diet see my page with links to all the articles I have written on it.) This … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Stories – June
Water melon cake with fruit kabobs - a GAPS legal Birthday cake 1. How long have you been on the GAPS diet? 13 months 2. What was going on that made you decide to pursue the diet? My son has Aspergers Syndrome. He is now 8.5 years old. He had been GFCF (Gluten Free, Casein Free) for a bit over a year … [Read more...]
Gaps Diet Stories – Tara Rosas
Tara Rosas is a blogger and health coach who has been through the GAPS diet and healed from Crohn's Disease. As with my other guests we connected through the internet. I was impressed with her story and asked if she would share here. She has a great blog as well and I encourage you to check that out after you … [Read more...]
Gaps Diet Stories – Kim S and David
Kim S. and her son David shared their story with me recently. Kim has figured out some things with histamines which can be a very tricky thing to navigate if you are on the GAPS diet for awhile. Pay particular attention to some of what she learned going through this with her teenage son. I chose an oak … [Read more...]
Gaps Diet Stories – Regina and Elijah
I met Regina in a GAPS yahoo group. She is full of life and passionate about her son, GAPS and her relationship with God. She is a great example of what my friend Dawn calls "the warrior mama", working overtime to find healing for her child. Although as you will see, healing is still on-going for this young … [Read more...]