Sourdough is wonderful whether it is sourdough bread, sourdough donuts, sourdough biscotti, sourdough anything.
In my research over the past few years I have come to the conclusion that many people can eat grains if they properly prepared. Proper preparation is easily accomplished with the use of sourdough as the sourdough medium effectively ferments and transforms the hard to digest parts of the grain, thus making them readily useable in the body. Grains contain many valuable vitamins and minerals which can be a help nutritionally to us if our bodies are able to break the grain down into useable parts.
This page is a collection of all my posts on sourdough, gluten free and those with gluten. I contribute to several blogs as well as manage Purposeful Nutrition and The Entwife’s Journal.
Purposeful Nutrition (this blog):
Totally Awesome Gluten Free Sourdough Bread with Quinoa and Flax.
How to Make a Gluten Free Quinoa Sourdough Starter
Making (or Getting) Your Own Sourdough Starter
Sourdough Quinoa Flax Crackers

Gluten Free Sourdough Crackers at Purposeful Nutrition
Book Review: Traditionally Fermented Foods (Includes a recipe for gluten free sourdough seeded country loaf)
Gluten Free Sourdough Company Review
The Entwife’s Journal (my Tumblr blog)
My Basic Wheat Sourdough Sandwich Bread
Natural Family Today (A site I contribute to)
Sourdough Benefits and my recipe for Basic Sourdough Bread
Grain Mill Wagon – A site I particpated in for the Grain Mill Challenge with a Wondermill
Sourdough Millet-Oat Sandwich Bread
Double Chocolate Sourdough Biscotti
My Sourdough Pinterest Board with recipes from here and lots of others I have found.